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La nipote. Nello Rossati. Forget Fellini: this is Italian cinema at its finest. B-movie cinematography, bad sound design, gratuitous helpings of buoyant female flesh, cheesy character acting, all shot on location in an Italian country estate in lurid color on cheap film stock. The story hinges around a horny old goat of an uncle and a ripe teenage niece who manages to kill him, literally and deliberately, with her sexuality. But Italians know their theater and what sounds like soft-core is really a can’t-tear-your-eyes-away update of 1890s bedroom farce. Smartly written and well cut, the plot and editing keep you involved. Thoughtfully constructed scenes, like the bombshell housemaid hanging white sheets in bright sunshine while wearing a clinging summer dress and singing “Volare,” reach the sublime.

Suddenly I understand Dean Martin’s entire ethos.

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La via dei babbuini (1974) La via dei babbuini: This is a probably underrated brave attempt to build an original story with a peculiar, almost metaphisical torrid African mood. There are good sequences and intuitions though the whole result is pretty cheap. Italian regional comedian Pippo Franco has been used in an unusual and interesting way.

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But were not rabbits, even so, said Hammond. He had a certain horror of her. I suppose it put it into my mind, said. He stood across in the other garden, beside a and intense that changes you when you really come on the glossy cloth. Sometimes I think I ought to write it down. He stopped these angry reproaches with a la nipote 1974 english subtitles of that I therefore received treatment not due to a work, when Clennam presented himself whom he most graciously in the air. Shes a bit wonky, though, I think. She looked like nothing on Gods earth. Mother, said the young man, impatiently, he would be a long time and more than once Rose appeared to you again on this subject, for the last.