Welcome to the Newest and Best Pedigree Software and Kennel Management Software Ever Devised!

For two years, we carefully listened to you. We listened to every compliment, every suggestion and, most importantly, every complaint. We heard you and what you wanted. We reviewed every product support report we ever received since 1991. And then we went to work. Two years in the making, the company that brought out the first native Microsoft® Windows™ pedigree and kennel management software, the company that has been #1 in the industry for seven years running, brings you The Breeder's Standard .NET®!

ZooEasy is the best choice for breeders and organizations who're looking for pedigree software. Keep track of all your animals in your own online database. Portable Secure Pedigree Data with zero effort. You want to use your computer to make pedigrees, but do not need the powerful features of a full-blown Kennel, Cattery or Stable management program. You also do not want the price tag of these powerful programs. You are looking for excellent pedigrees, pure and simple. Pedigree software should serve you, not the other way around. TBS.NET meets that goal. Here is the best news: The Breeder's Standard.NET®, with all of the power of the original ground breaking pedigree software for Windows, is only $14.99 per month! As providers of food and affection for pets, PEDIGREE® is committed to helping every animal find a loving family. That’s why we’ve already donated $850,000 to shelters in 2019. You can help more dogs find their forever homes by donating to the PEDIGREE® Foundation, or adopting a new best friend.

Other pedigree software products are stuck in a time warp of the past. They make you bear the drudgery of entering every record into the database, or trying to figure out confusing import/export routines. Different pedigree programs mean that it's difficult to share data between people because of different data formats. If your computer has a problem, you are in trouble, unless you remember to do tedious backups nearly every time you make any change to your data. The Breeder's Standard .NET solves these problems for you, elegantly and inexpensively.

TBS.NET is a completely new program from the ground up. It has to be because it is unlike any other breeder's program or pedigree software ever made. You have security, because your data is automatically backed up every day. You have super-easy use because there is nothing to install on your computer. No downloads, no CDs to break. You have less data entry because it has millions of dog records included and more being added every day! Here is another one: No Upgrade Fees -- Ever!All new features and patches are automatically added to your program as we develop them.

If you are an Apple® computer devotee, we have heard you with unmistakable clarity. And we have answered you with exactly what you asked for. TBS.NET is the only fully functional kennel management software that requires no expensive Windows emulator program. If, God forbid, you should suffer a tragedy because of fire, storm or theft, your data is safe, even if your computer is destroyed!

Is this magic? Nope, just extra hard work by our engineers. This is all made possible by the way TBS.NET works. You are actually inside the opening window of TBS.NET right now! It's a web-based program, with all of the massive databases of both our Man's Best Friend Software and CompuPed™ libraries pre-loaded. As more and more people make the switch to the ultimate breeder software tool, we are able to offer you even more animal records -- and less typing. Pedigree software should serve you, not the other way around. TBS.NET meets that goal.

Here is the best news: The Breeder's Standard .NET®, with all of the power of the original ground breaking pedigree software for Windows, is only $14.99 per month! All of our windows add-ons, such as NETigree® II and the Pedigree Power Packs™ are also available (additional monthly charges apply but are optional). Pedcasso™ .NET will release in the first quarter of 2004.

All you need to run TBS .NET are a computer with a web browser that uses JavaScript and Cookies. For show entries and MegaPed™ pedigrees, you need Adobe® Acrobat™ reader, a free program usually shipped already installed on most new computers. It's available free for Windows, Mac and Unix.


Come learn more now, or if you are ready, you can start your journey to pedigree software heaven immediately!

Pedigree Program Software Free

Use of The Breeder's Standard .NET® is governed by the software license agreement and our web site usage agreement, Using this site to navigate beyond this page constitutes your complete acceptance of the web site usage agreement, and signing up to use TBS .NET constitutes your complete acceptance of the software license agreement.
This site and all of its elements are Copyright © 2003 by Man's Best Friend Software.
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The use of any 'screen scraper' technology, robot or any other means to reproduce this site, its databases, its programs or any part thereof is strictly prohibited, except for the normal indexing of search engines that obey our embedded robot exclusion directives.

Pedigree program for rabbits

The BreedMate family of Pedigree Software Packages covers dogs, cats, horses, goats and other animals. The package comes with 50+ forms and you can create or modify tables and forms so the possibilities are endless... BreedMate and related software are products of Wild Systems, based in Australia.

Our Products

Pedigree Publisher

Pedigree Publisher (PedPub) is a desktop pedigree program that runs on Windows PCs with data stored on your PC. Here are some of the key features:

  • Perfect for individual breeders, researchers or hobbyists.
  • Easy to back up and share data. Easy to import or export in common formats like CSV or Excel.
  • There is no limit to the number of breed databases.
  • Users can create, delete, add modify tables so there is no limit on what you can store in your database.
  • Comes with form files for dogs, cats, horses, cattle and can be fully user customised for any breed.
  • Users can create, copy, delete or modify forms and include logos, photos, watermarks so its easy to create custom forms like certificates.
  • Advanced forms like the Pedigree Chart (up to 50 generations), circular pedigrees and 7 or 8 gen pedigrees.
  • Powerful interactive merge facility for combining databases.
  • Data Doctor feature with extensive tests to help you keep your data accurate.
We don't currently offer a demo of PedPub but if you would like to see how it works please check out these introductory videos . More

Pedigree Cloud

Pedigree Cloud (PedCloud) is a desktop pedigree program that runs on Windows PCs with data stored in the cloud. Key features:

  • Perfect for groups such as breed clubs, registries, genetic researchers working on common data.
  • Data is stored either on your own MySQL database (typically these are provided by your web hosting company) or hosted by us.
  • Multiple users can connect to the same MySQL database at the same time so when one user makes a change, all the other users connected to that database will see that change.
  • If you use your own MySQL database you have complete control, privacy and security.
  • Use MySQL remote access to limit what IP addresses can access for extra security.
  • Works well with Pedigree Point since all updates are immediately visible to PedPoint users and there is no need to publish which is an advantage for large databases.
  • It does everything that PedPub does and more, so as well as having the option of storing your database(s) in a desktop file on your computer, like PedPub does, you can also connect to a MySQL database.

Pedigree Point

PedPoint installs on your website and allows visitors to your website to search a database and view pedigree reports. Features as follows:

  • Useful for any person or group who wants to provide web based access to search and report on data.
  • PedPoint works with either PedPub or PedCloud. With PedPub you have to manually publish to PedPoint. With PedCloud it hooks into the same database as PedCloud so there is no need to publish which means that anyone using the website sees the changes you make instantly.
  • Pedigree Point is free of charge if used for private purposes such as breed clubs and an inexpensive one-off cost even for commercial sites. We can also optionally assist with installation or repairs and updates.
  • PedPoint is based on PHP and MySQL, supports millions of records and offers powerful search and reporting, e.g pedigrees, reverse pedigree, sibling, breeding and vertical pedigrees.
  • You get the source code so there is no limit to the changes you can make to meet your needs.
  • Can include photos in the pedigrees and optional colored marks to indicate genetic or oher conditions.

Download Software / Free Upgrades

Registered users can get the latest version of all our software here! Anyone who has puchased since 2002 can upgrade to the current full version for only US$20 at our on-line STORE.

This is where new users and users getting upgrades will start the download process. Simply enter the registration number you were supplied with, press the Login button and the appropriate download page will be displayed. Note every upgrade is a full installation and does not require any previous version to be installed.

Contact Info

Wild Systems P/L

Phone: +61 298 763 926
Mobile: +61 402 058 286


Our software comes with 50+ forms plus the user can FULLY customise the database and the forms so the possibilities are endless.


Windows 10 compatible PedPub and PedCloud are fully compatible with Windows 10 and Windows8/8.1/Windows7/Vista/WinXP.

Easy to import and export data to other applications like Excel, Word and Access. Users can actually copy and paste data from Excel or Access and paste data directly into Excel.

Easy data entry. Enter data in any order from ancestor to offspring or offspring to ancestors or any combination and at any time. Any ancestor only needs to be entered once no matter how many times its used. More

Unlimited breeds and databases Each database is a single file and is easily transferrable between computers and over the internet; easy to share data and merge data from other users; easy to upgrade to new computers and move your data;

Works with dogs, cats, horses, cattle, goats. Comes with database and form templates for the aforementioned animals and because it is fully user customisable you can add your own tables and fields. Note: we did previously offer variants of our products called Herdkeeper and Hawkeye but these are now rolled into both Pedigree Publisher and Pedigree Explorer;

Publish your data online With Breedmate its easy to publish your pedigrees online with our free Pedigree Point web software. Single click publishing allows you to upload updates from Breedmate to your web site so tohers can search for and view pedigrees. See the sample site at PedigreePoint.

Fast Both PedPub and PedCloud will handle 100M+ records.

Large range of predesigned pedigrees forms plus the ability to design your own or fully customise existing forms.

Free Breed databases We offer free starter databases for many breeds and our data is open so you can export and import data from many other formats.

You can save the downloadable installer and burn to CD for later installs; you're licensed to install on up to three computers that you are the main user of; downloadable PDF user manual; Breedmate can be installed on a flash drive so it runs on any PC you plug it into; easy to show your pedigrees online with our free PedigreePoint web software.

Pedigree Programs For Livestock

Our Clients

Julie Brown - BTW I've been using this program for probably 10 years now...originally it was purchased to save handwriting out those certificates but it has led to a real passion and interest in breed health, history, etc. Being able to run such thorough analysis, COI etc on dogs has put a whole new dimension and perspective on breeding. I cannot thank you enough for this program. It's proven to be such a valuable tool and the information I've acquired has helped a lot of people, and dogs.

Pedigree Program

Helen Scott - Yorkshire TerriersI do love your program. Have tried them all including [names deleted] etc. Breedmate is fast, intuitive, stable, flexible, awesome capabilities, enables detail and a plethora of data. Merge Database is supurb. Have surprised myself in being successful in modifying forms and text reports but my ability in that area is somewhat limited.

Gillian Bartlett - www.teraustralis.com Breedmate is most accurate, as the program makes it hard to misspell the a dog's name by mistyping (it asks if you want to add a new entry when it is spelt differently, thus alerting you to a variation in the name). It can be used to plan litters by checking the inbreeding co-efficients, duplicated ancestors, colours of coats in the ancestors - so much information to be seen.


Here are our answers to some actual questions from users.

Pedigree Program For Pigeons

  • Hello I found your products on line and they appear to be the most complete I have seen. True
  • Is the program purchased outright or is there an additional monthly fee? The program is purchased out right – it’s yours forever. There are no monthly fees. It comes with one year of free support including free upgrades. Upgrades will always be cheap - since 2002, users could upgrade for just US$20.
  • Is all data and program stored on my computer or in the cloud? All the data and program is stored on your computer. Nothing is stored in the cloud. In fact all data for each breed is in one convenient file so you could have Boxers.db, Poodles.db, MyHorses.db so they are easy to make backups by just copying the files to a USB etc. BTW there is no limit on the number of breed databases.
  • My horses have multiple registration numbers and other IDs can you modify the files for these added requirements? No problems adding any number of fields to any table in each database. All databases and forms are fully customisable.
  • Can a picture(s) be added to each entry? A picture can be added to each entry. Some forms are designed to show photos usually just for the first two generations due to fitting them in but all forms can be modified to include photos.
  • Is there a limit to the number of animals? We use a popular open source database called SQLite which has huge limits, certainly greater than 4 billion records.
  • Is the program downloaded after purchase? If so what if you change computers? After purchase we send you an email with download instructions. Within your support period you can download the installer an unlimited number of times. You can also save each installer and use it an unlimited number of times.You can install on up to three computers at the same time that you are the main user of. You can reinstall on replacement computers an unlimited number of times.
  • At this point on your production which program do you recommend for my use and what are the benefits of combining your programs? At this point we always recommend Pedigree Publisher rather than Pedigree Explorer. It is our newest program and is where all development will occur going forward. There is no advantage to having both programs.
  • I will have many 100's of hours of data entry and want to make sure this will last the rest of my life! LOL All of our programs allow exporting or importing from Excel, Access, CSV and many other formats so you will never lose your data.